Rabid Thepians Presents


Directed by Heidi Condon and Written by Linda Lambrecht

They were once fresh-faced actors embarking on a national tour of Peter Pan. After 30 years of touring, those same actors will have endured love, divorce, avalanches, poison, and possible prison. They’re sick of it! If all goes well, this performance will be their last, and they’ll be free of the show and each other. Join us as we witness their twisting, yet hilarious, route to certain (delightful) disaster!

*Rabid Thespians are local community theater actors, neighbors, doctors, and people you know, who are brave enough to tackle an original script and spread the laughs. Be there to cheer them on!

Please note: The presenter and/or host of this production has privately leased The Lyric. Lyric Management is not responsible for the program or its content.